Art Manikin Challenge for August 2020
August 31st - 2020 - 11:59pm PST
(see instructions below for more details)
Artwork example by Jason Hatch titled "Addiction"
All techniques, mediums, styles are welcome. This month's theme is "SPEAK YOUR MIND & HEART" I'd like to see your art inspired by your own feelings, thoughts and emotions. Perhaps you have something political you've been wanting to say? Or you have a message of peace to share with the world? A rant? A rage? A soliloquy of love? EVERYTHING is welcome. Armature Nine is a safe space for free speech as long as you don't harass someone for their artwork or opinion implied therein. You can respectfully disagree but you can't bully, dox or shame people for feeling the way they do. There's enough of that going on in the world, and I don't want A9 to become yet another platform where people feel free to yell insults at each other. I'll put an end to that pretty quick if that happens. We all have the freedom to speak, but we don't have the freedom to shut people up. This compelling work of art was produced by Jason Hatch titled "Addiction."
When you submit art, you retain all the copyright to your work. Simply browse through our gallery (click on any of the "gallery" links below) and submit your drawing featuring one of our products using the pose and camera angle seen in the reference you select. If you already own one of our products, you may create your own reference. Once you've completed your artwork hit the submit button at the bottom of this page to send us your entry along with your attribution details. Important: Your submission must feature the A9-RIG reference images beside it and your drawing/design/sculpture,etc must be original and not derivative of somebody else's work. |
Submissions can be traditional or digital. But all submissions must be submitted digitally (see "SUBMIT" button below) |
(store credit)
1st → $180
By submitting your entry, you agree to the following terms and conditions: |
By clicking the submit button below, you agree
to the terms and conditions specified above