A9-RIG Updates

Illustration by Beth Morrell

We're getting some fantastic entries to our September contest including this lovely submission that just came in today by character artist Beth Morrell. You can see more of her character...

Illustration by Beth Morrell

We're getting some fantastic entries to our September contest including this lovely submission that just came in today by character artist Beth Morrell. You can see more of her character...

A9 Version 2015.9

Finally updated this photo with the latest version of A9. So pretty..

A9 Version 2015.9

Finally updated this photo with the latest version of A9. So pretty..

Wings, hands and head types.

Wings, hand-types, head-types.... looooots of new items added to our new Kits&Bits page:

Wings, hands and head types.

Wings, hand-types, head-types.... looooots of new items added to our new Kits&Bits page:

Illustration by Shaythulhu

Our very first entry by artist Shaythulhu has already set the bar pretty high. It's so cool to see A9 come to life in only the way an artist could....

Illustration by Shaythulhu

Our very first entry by artist Shaythulhu has already set the bar pretty high. It's so cool to see A9 come to life in only the way an artist could....

Custom Armature Order

We just completed this cool custom armature for artist Jess from supplemonstrous: http://supplemonstrous.tumblr.com/ It was definitely a challenge because of how large the head was and it also forced us...

Custom Armature Order

We just completed this cool custom armature for artist Jess from supplemonstrous: http://supplemonstrous.tumblr.com/ It was definitely a challenge because of how large the head was and it also forced us...

New 1/6 Scale Props

Lots of new products and photos added to our A9-RIG website:

New 1/6 Scale Props

Lots of new products and photos added to our A9-RIG website: