Here's a question that's been coming up so I thought I'd share it:
Question: I purchased my armature during the big sale and I'm still waiting for it. But now I see you made changes to your armature. Does that mean I'm getting an older one?
Answer: Actually, no. You'll always get the latest version of the armature. What matters is not so much when you order it but when we build it. Under normal circumstances, we ship orders 1-5 days after they're ordered so the time difference is not that significant. But during instances like our big sale event last month where we get two months worth of orders on a single day, the reality is that these take time to make and as time passes so does the armature evolve.
In other words, the orders that we shipped in October were versions 2015.10 and the versions we are shipping this month are versions 2015.11 (add the day it ships to be exact).
This is one of the things that makes A9 so unique and perhaps strange. I'm not really sure there's any product out on the market that fits this paradigm. Given that the product is 3D printed, the design can change on a monthly and sometimes weekly or daily basis in response to customer feedback. Changes are almost always backward compatible, however, and so if all that changed was a clip or part of a limb, you can always buy just that individual part on our website to bring your armature up to date.
I'm hoping to at some point create a blog page that lists every little evolutionary step in this journey for those that are curious.... but in the meantime, don't hesitate to message me and ask.